Monday, August 6, 2012

Sunday on the Plane

The pilgrimage is over, yet it is just beginning. It is too soon to know the impact of these past two weeks yet I know I am changed.

Yesterday we walked the tea fields. I was always several steps behind the group. I tried to suck in as much beauty of the lush green hills as I could, pausing to thank God. It was not a time for me to socialize but to try to connect one last time with this beautiful country. We walked up and down and around past cows, tea pickers and homesteads. At each turn in the road the group would pause to wait for me. 

Eventually we passed a line of homes with a few people outside. As I approached a woman came out to greet me. It was Susan, James's grandmother. We had spent many moments together in the hospital at his bedside. She invited me into her home. On one level we do not speak the same language but on another level our language transcends words. Something about that visit completed a puzzle for me. I said goodbye put away my camera and felt complete as I caught up with the group.

James and Susan's Home

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Touched by the Hand of God

Some of the team has left for home already, Beatrice and Angelica are busy in the kitchen doing our dishes. Two boys are outside waiting for their American friends to appear on the porch. I sit on the couch by the fireplace tea in hand contemplating "who am I?" Who was I when I arrived and who am I as I leave? I know the hand of God has touched my heart and I am changed. It is too early to fully understand just how but I will watch and listen as I walk the road ahead of me.

There is a knock at the door. The boys are eager to engage. I selfishly sit on the couch with my pen and paper. Soon others will be up and the quiet of mourning will disappear. Who am I? An American who still relishes the silent moments of the morning.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Friend William

I was out exploring our tent camp after breakfast and I met William the afternoon guard. He took me on a tour of the path around the compound. The thought crossed my mind that maybe at times I'm too trusting, but I believe to fully experience life you need to take risks once in a while. He did have a wooden club and was a wonderful tour guide, even though his English was limited. 
He told me the monkeys usually come after lunch. As I sat on our tent porch overlooking the stream I spotted the red cloth of the Masai and heard a flock of sheep. I went up the newly discovered path where I watched some young boys rolling in the sand and bathing in the water. It looked like fun. I tried to remain inconspicuous. 

Now I am back on my porch awaiting the monkeys.

I like to sit and contemplate life too.

Friday, August 3, 2012

I Wonder

We got up at 6 AM for our second safari. There weren't a lot of animals so I needed to adjust my expectations and bask in the beauty of the landscape. It can be challenging in life to enjoy what is before you and to not always be looking for something else you think will bring you more enjoyment.

As we returned from our safari we wondered if we would be too late for breakfast. Our stomachs were grumbling and I thought of the boy I had met at school who had gone three days without eating.

While on Safari my mind kept going back to the people I had met at Nazareth Hospital. How much did the gas cost to drive us around looking for animals? As I looked at my pictures I kept seeing the one of James in his hospital bed the morning of surgery. I wonder how he was doing? I wonder if he will be there when we get back? I wonder if I should have skipped safari and stayed with him? I wonder how soon I will forget the people of Kenya or if they will be emblazoned on my heart making me a better disciple of Christ?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Who Am I?

This morning I was up in time. I thought about visiting James but I didn't - I couldn't why? I also thought about not going on safari and staying back with him but I didn't. Who am I? How easily will I forget these people I have walked alongside. Is that any better than never having known or loved?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Does a Safari fit?

I was really interested before coming on this pilgrimage to see how the Safari experience would be tied into the journey. Last night Jim talked about us being American tourists while we were on safari but also left us with a question -Who are you?

As we traveled the bumpy dirt road to our tent camp I tried my hardest to be an American tourist who doesn't get motion sick. It was challenging to sustain my MO but I was successful.

While on safari I want to work to remember and reflect on the past week. How will my life's journey and my faith be impacted by James, Naomi, Stephen, Ann, Ruth, Zipporah, Juria, Esther, Jana and the Tree of Life team?