Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Friend William

I was out exploring our tent camp after breakfast and I met William the afternoon guard. He took me on a tour of the path around the compound. The thought crossed my mind that maybe at times I'm too trusting, but I believe to fully experience life you need to take risks once in a while. He did have a wooden club and was a wonderful tour guide, even though his English was limited. 
He told me the monkeys usually come after lunch. As I sat on our tent porch overlooking the stream I spotted the red cloth of the Masai and heard a flock of sheep. I went up the newly discovered path where I watched some young boys rolling in the sand and bathing in the water. It looked like fun. I tried to remain inconspicuous. 

Now I am back on my porch awaiting the monkeys.

I like to sit and contemplate life too.

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