Friday, August 3, 2012

I Wonder

We got up at 6 AM for our second safari. There weren't a lot of animals so I needed to adjust my expectations and bask in the beauty of the landscape. It can be challenging in life to enjoy what is before you and to not always be looking for something else you think will bring you more enjoyment.

As we returned from our safari we wondered if we would be too late for breakfast. Our stomachs were grumbling and I thought of the boy I had met at school who had gone three days without eating.

While on Safari my mind kept going back to the people I had met at Nazareth Hospital. How much did the gas cost to drive us around looking for animals? As I looked at my pictures I kept seeing the one of James in his hospital bed the morning of surgery. I wonder how he was doing? I wonder if he will be there when we get back? I wonder if I should have skipped safari and stayed with him? I wonder how soon I will forget the people of Kenya or if they will be emblazoned on my heart making me a better disciple of Christ?

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