Monday, August 6, 2012

Sunday on the Plane

The pilgrimage is over, yet it is just beginning. It is too soon to know the impact of these past two weeks yet I know I am changed.

Yesterday we walked the tea fields. I was always several steps behind the group. I tried to suck in as much beauty of the lush green hills as I could, pausing to thank God. It was not a time for me to socialize but to try to connect one last time with this beautiful country. We walked up and down and around past cows, tea pickers and homesteads. At each turn in the road the group would pause to wait for me. 

Eventually we passed a line of homes with a few people outside. As I approached a woman came out to greet me. It was Susan, James's grandmother. We had spent many moments together in the hospital at his bedside. She invited me into her home. On one level we do not speak the same language but on another level our language transcends words. Something about that visit completed a puzzle for me. I said goodbye put away my camera and felt complete as I caught up with the group.

James and Susan's Home

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