Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Home of Joy

A new day, a new experience. Today we headed to the Joy Home an orphanage supported by Tree of Lives and Nazareth Hospital. As people from Tree of Lives and others were praying for a way to help orphans a woman was praying for a way to tell her family she wanted to give away her home, to help needy children. When the two visions intersected Joy Home was born. We were blessed to share the hours of two days with these beautiful children and their three moms. 

We ate together played together and read books. I also was blessed to work in the kitchen peeling potatoes and green bananas. Becky, Cheryl and I were quite the team. A nick or two with a knife was no problem among friends. You should have seen the size of the knives. I did extremely well considering knife safety isn't my strong suit.

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