Thursday, July 19, 2012

What Do I Have to Offer?

Lord you have brought me to a safe place with loving people. The connection with Liza, sharing our stories another piece of the puzzle.

I wanted to see the hospital today but walking through with a group of white Americans made me feel uncomfortable. I tried to understand what it might be like if I was an African sick and not feeling well or a parent worried about my child. It reminded me of the discomfort I felt when we visited a man dying of cancer at a hospital in downtown Nairobi. Although Wellingtone shared how much it meant to have Americans visit and pray for him it is a concept that I can't fully comprehend. I think if I had medical skills and something to offer I would feel very different. But what do I have? Who am I? Is my personhood enough? Is another's personhood enough for me or do I always need something?

The lights just went off so I thought maybe God was saying that is enough reflection for your soul right now. So God what does it mean that they went back on before I finished my sentence?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...God interrupted your flow of thought and was introducing another way of thinking and being for this trip of faith. Maybe....
