Saturday, July 21, 2012

I Am Not a Surgeon

My only picture from my day in surgery.  The other were over written.

Last night after devotions we got our assignments for the first day. I waited eagerly to hear what I would be doing. I was one of the last and I would be observing surgery. Of all the assignments that was the one I feared most. Could I do it? If I pass out when my child vomits what would I do in surgery? Then I remembered I had watched my own knee surgery, maybe I could do this. No matter what I was feeling I would not ask for a new assignment. The first surgery was a skin graft for Hannah who had a severe burn on her upper arm and breast. My heart went out to her, I felt so bad for her having heard how painful burns are. The surgeon Dr. James was looking at it from a different perspective, he was going to have her better in time for her upcoming wedding. I wrestle with being in surgery today. I have no medical skill, what could my presence offer? I prayed. Maybe I need to further redeemed my faith so I will believe in the power and value of prayer. This experience will take some more processing.

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