Sunday, July 22, 2012

Stretching My Envelope

The Lord will keep you from all harm - He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and for ever more. Psalm 121:7-8

God is stretching my envelope a little each day. Today Amber and I were scheduled to do home visits to clients who were positive. We met and the social worker we would be with at the clinic. I am a pretty calm person, but new experiences in another culture can test my belief in Psalm 121. My biggest concern was the matatu (small bus) ride as I remembered Nikki's friend Juliet who had lost 10 family members in a matatu accident in Zimbabwe. The Lord did watch over us and I was richly blessed by my experience. All the clients we visited were women with deep faith. They shared their faith with us, which was a real blessing.  I wish every person from Tree of Live's faith community could've sat on my shoulder as we visited the HIV-positive women today. Words cannot express the difference you are making in their lives. I wish everyone from my church family could've been sitting on my shoulder today so they could see what a difference a faith community can make. One woman shared how testing positive had brought her closer to God and how supportive her church family had been. I am so grateful to Ann and the community worker who led us around as they are the hands and feet of Christ in the world. I was humbled and honored to walk with them.

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