Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Today my assignment was to help with art therapy at the Alamano school, but as I went to bed James the young boy with a broken leg was on my mind. He was scheduled for surgery today. I didn't want him to go to surgery without a mom, so I asked Becky if I could switch to surgery. I showed up at surgery with a bit of fear and trepidation not knowing what I would experience. As I waited for scrubs I saw Dr. James and explained I was there to support the patient James. He told me James would not be having surgery until Monday. Somewhat relieved I headed for art therapy. My favorite part was talking with five young boys about feelings. I handed out a feeling card to everyone and then we took turns telling a story about when we had felt that way. 

Some of the stories I heard…
I was tired 
when I didn't eat for three days
when I walked to Limuru (we took a taxi and bus there yesterday)
when I walked five hours to fetch water

I was sad 
when the man hit me
the boy kicked me
the boy threw stones

I was happy 
when I got a quilt
new shoes
bread to eat
a soda
a sweater and shorts

I was surprised 
when I was number one in my class

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