Monday, July 16, 2012

A Visit with Friends

Most of my blog entries were written while I was in Africa but there were some important experiences I will share from my perch on the hammock in Connecticut.

The first four days after I returned from Africa were filled with catching up with family from across the US. Now I sit by myself by the lake wondering if God, Jesus and faith can be as real on this side of the ocean. I have been working on my pictures and will soon start to share my experience on my blog, I'm not sure why I'm sharing it except I am hoping it will help me connect more deeply with others who are trying to live a rich life of faith.

Our visit to Kenya began with two nights with Wellingtone and his family. My journey had brought me to his home on three previous trips to Africa. It was important to reconnect and introduce Amber to these wonderful friends and great ministry.

 On Saturday Amber and I went to the Anajali school where we met with the teachers and students who were using the assistive technology I had introduced. I was able to answer questions and provide support. 

We had packed the shawls, pictures and notes I had made for Godliver and her mom in our our backpack. What a wonderful God we have. Godliver's mom stopped by the school to pick up Godliver and I was able to give them their gifts. I had been worried about what to say. I didn't say much but I hope my words and my actions conveyed the love of Christ to them.

I taught Lionida everything I knew about knitting a prayer shawl.  It didn't take long.

I always come away blessed after worshiping with the Anajali community and was glad Amber had the chance to experience that with me.  I'm sorry I don't have many pictures to share as most of my first pictures got overwritten.

It was so good to see Wellingtone, his family, Millie, Patrick, Godliver, Mary Stella, Joel, the teachers, students and people at church. Although our time with them was short we were deeply blessed by our visit.

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